Being a model is a valid career for many, but it's a specialist gig which needs a great portfolio to boost your chances of your next job.
Anybody with a camera, or even a phone can take a photo. Because of this and the popularity of Instagram and other social media platforms, we're bombarded with images...what are you going to do to stand out?
Professional photographs can lift the quality of your portfolio, whether online or as a hard copy. Using a professional photographer will also give you invaluable insights into what it's like to be in a studio environment, in front of a camera and assistance with styling, posing and many other aspects of a professional photo shoot.
The images you receive when you use Elegant Glamour + Boudoir, will have appropriate editing (not some kitschy phone filter!), will be colour managed and we'll help you decide which images capture the best of you, whether it be head shots, portfolio updates or a full portfolio
Remember, QUALITY over quantity...Let us make you look fabulous!